Add Translated Subtitles to Video: Here's How!

Need translations? Try Smartcat for free!

Add translated video subtitles - Smartcat blog

Did you know that a lot of viewers want to watch your videos on mute? On the train, in a noisy room, there are lots of places where you just can't play audio.

Then you have second-language speakers and viewers with hearing impairment. Offering video audio alone in a single language means failing your audience.

By adding subtitles and translating them, your viewers can consume your content the way they want. This helps to drive higher engagement, better retention, and more sales.

Want to generate subtitles for a video but it all sounds too hard? It isn't. With Smartcat's AI video translator, you can add high-quality translated subtitles to your videos quickly and cheaply.

In this article, you will learn how you can bring subtitle translation into your video editing processes.

Why Do You Need This AI Adding Subtitles to Video Tool ?

Adding subtitles to video the traditional way is time-consuming because humans have to do all the heavy lifting.

To produce the entire video without AI, your team needs to do a lot of manual work. This can include manually transcribing the content, adding subtitles, managing the time stamps, and translating the subtitles. Then, you need to check and adjust everything in an online video editor.

A lack of automation can lead to human error and many hours wasted on repetitive tasks.

In addition, employees may have to watch training videos in their second language, which increases the risk of misunderstanding. For the marketing department, whole sectors of the potential global audience won't engage with the content.

Why AI is a game-changer in translating video subtitles

AI is a game-changer because it does all the heavy lifting that humans used to do. Not only does this save you time, but it also makes your budget go further. Our clients have seen a 400% increase in turnaround time with costs halved.

“When Smartcat released a new product feature to automatically extract subtitles from video voice overs, offering the possibility to quickly edit the source text for a perfect automated translation process and post-editing, our file preparation time was instantly slashed by 70%!”

Barbara Fedorowicz

Barbara Fedorowicz

Translation department manager at Smith+Nephew

Read the Smith+Nephew case study

In short, you can have AI add subtitles and automatic captions, then bring in professionals to perfect it all. You'll end up with much better quality. This means your video content will better achieve its goals while saving you time and money.

How to translate the subtitles in a video in 5 easy steps

One reason why Smartcat is a leading video subtitle translator is because it makes it very easy for you to auto-translate video. Follow the quick steps below and you'll have your subtitled video online in the blink of an eye.

Step 1: Upload your video

Drag and drop your video file (srt file, etc.) into our user-friendly platform, or browse for it on your computer and upload it if that's how you prefer to roll.

Step 2: Choose the language for translation

The interface has two columns and a video preview window.

In the first column, you'll see the subtitles in the original language (imagine it's English).

Then, in the second column, all you have to do is click on the subtitle language. When you choose a language, the translations will appear in segments next to their original English ones.

Want to bring a third language into the mix? Go back to the top of the second column and click on that language.

You can move between the different languages when editing your automatic captions and previewing your video content.

Step 3: Click to get your AI transcript and AI translation

In one click, you'll have your bilingual captions on the screen including timestamps. You may want to take a coffee break, but it all happens so quickly you won't have time.

Step 4: Review your subtitles translation and make edits if needed

Smartcat has the best user interface on the market. It's clean, easy to read, and intuitive to use. Do your quality checks, preview the video with the subtitles added, and make any changes you want. Or get a professional from our linguist marketplace to do it for you, all from inside the platform.

Once you've finished this stage, you also have the option to add AI dubbing as part of your video editing. The audio file uses a human-like voice that you can modify to suit your preferences: gender, timbre, pitch, and speed.

Step 5: Export your translated subtitle file

Click again and you'll have your video subtitled, translated, and even dubbed if you want, ready for you to upload to your advertising space or learning platform.

Now you can take that coffee break because you did all this so efficiently that a gap just opened up in your schedule. You can learn more about getting AI generated subtitles as well as AI dubbing in our help center.

Try Smartcat: The ultimate online subtitle translator for free

Smartcat is the best online solution to translate subtitles for enterprise use. Whether you need to subtitle your training videos or reach a global audience, Smartcat will give you end-to-end control over your video content and brand voice.

Here are just a few reasons to choose Smartcat:

  1. AI translation adapted to your company voice brings quality results with more than 95% accuracy. This means you save time and money on human quality assurance.

  2. Top-tier translation providers are waiting to help you and you can source them and assign them work without leaving the platform. So convenient!

  3. The user-friendly interface makes editing a breeze by ensuring the entire process is intuitive and ergonomic.

  4. You can ensure security by only inviting approved people to your workspace. We don't use your content to train our AI and we never sell your data.

  5. Smartcat offers a 14-day free trial (no credit card required). You use Smartcat as a free AI subtitle generator.

Translate your subtitles fast with the power of AI


How does the translation process for subtitles work with Smartcat?

Just sign up for your Smartcat free trial. Log in to the online platform and start by uploading the video files you want to subtitle. Generate your translations, edit them, and then export the video with your new subtitles burned in.

In which languages can I translate my subtitles with Smartcat?

With Smartcat, you can produce video subtitles in 280 languages: Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, English, French, Hindi, Bengali, Portuguese, Russian, and Japanese, etc. These are just some of the most popular languages among our users.

Can I review and edit the translated subtitles?

Absolutely! Translating subtitles with Smartcat means you get access to our fantastic user interface. Our platform makes it very easy for you to edit your subtitles and time stamps and to preview them on the video file.

Can I add multiple translations of subtitles to a single video?

Yes, you can subtitle your video into multiple languages and break as many language barriers as you want. Inside our user interface, it's easy to switch languages and make edits without having to open and close different audio files.

Are the subtitle translations accurate and reliable?

Smartcat harnesses the latest AI to make the subtitling process as accurate and reliable as possible. You can expect accuracy of at least 95% and likely more, particularly if you include human quality assurance in your process and build up your content library over time.

The more you translate with Smartcat, the better it gets at choosing the translations you want to suit your content and brand voice.

Need an enterprise solution? Get your Smartcat free trial now

If you're ready to reach your global audience fast, get your Smartcat free trial to start reaping the rewards of using AI in your content creation. Need more guidance? Speak to a member of our sales team. They'll be pleased to give you a software demo and answer all your questions.


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